T. 041 820 46 67
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Looking for an exciting mountain bike adventure? Then you are in the right place! Travel to Nepal and embark yourself on thrilling bike tours. Collect unforgettable moments on never seen landscapes at the foot of the giant Mt. Everest. Arresting mountain bike trails where you are guaranteed to have endless fun. Our familiar way welcomes everyone to live closer with the local people and exchange different cultures. Feel the nature, get lost in the beautiful views of the Himalayas and explore the world heritage site of Nepal. For customize holiday itinerary, you are welcome to share your holiday plan with us by telephone +41 41 820 46 67 or via email info@mtb-sports.com

Please use the form below for general inquiries about Nepal tours & travel or E-Mountain bike rental and Mountain bike rental Service.
If you are looking to book an appointment or Check availability of a tours or B2B contract, please email at nepal@mtb-sports.com instead.
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mtb-sports GmbH

Schwyzerstrasse 35

6440 Brunnen


T. 041 820 46 67
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